ARKANA COSMETICS - Innovative cosmetological treatments effective from the first use


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Arkana is one of the most dynamically developing professional cosmetic brands in Poland. We specialize in advanced skin care, not only responding to the needs of the market, but also creating new trends. We are well known for our innovative neurocosmetics. Their action is based on neurotransmitters using natural nerve connections. This approach recognizes the direct connection between the brain and the skin. Therefore our treatments are effective and effects are visible immediately after treatment. Last but not least – stimulation of the central nervous system has one more undeniable benefit: it has a positive effect not only on the skin but also improves overall well-being. This is why neurocosmetics perfectly fit into our philosophy of conscious beauty and care. We believe that individual and properly selected therapy in a beauty salon combined with home care is the best way to enjoy visible results every day. Innovative approach and visible effects : While we develop new products we use the latest scientific discoveries, innovative ingredients and current trends in cosmetics. Over the last few years we have created 70+ cosmetic formulations so that our products always could be one step ahead of the competition. In 2019 our product was nominated for the prestigious Cosmoproof Awards for the most innovative product at the world's largest cosmetics fair in Bologna. Contact us and find out how we can help you grow your business.

Zadnje novice o podjetju

ARKANA Cosmetics on CosmoProf Asia

ARKANA Cosmetics on CosmoProf Asia

Udeležba na dogodku ・ 31. okt. 2023 preberite več Open In New icon

ARKANA Cosmetics will once again showcase its latest developments at CosmoProf Asia, the largest beauty industry event in Asia. This year, event attendees will be introduced to our latest product line ARKANA Advanced Therapy based on plant-based exosomes. As the latest trend in aesthetic medicine and cosmetology, exosomes are revolutionizing the approach to skin care and restoration. At our booth you will also be able to see our neurocosmetics, which have won numerous awards at trade shows. We invite you to visit our booth No. 3E-J2B1 at the Hong Kong Covention and Exhibition Centre.


ARKANA Advanced Therapy - Exosomal skin modulation

Domain icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec


Północna 15-19

54-105 Wrocław - Poljska

Št. za DDV

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    Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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Dejavnosti podjetja ARKANA COSMETICS

  • Izdelki za nego kože
  • Lepotna nega - oprema
  • Lepotilne kreme
  • Lepotilni izdelki
  • Kozmetika
  • Farmacevtski izdelki
  • Beauty care instruments
  • beauty facial packs
  • skönhetsindustri
  • beauty massage equipment