BELGOMILK IA SA - Agriculture, livestock & cheese making equipment


Factory icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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Français Oglejte si 34 izdelkov English Oglejte si 23 izdelkov

Belgo-Milk Company is a leading organization in the field of agriculture and livestock breeding. Established in 1996, the company has over 25 years of experience in commercial activities. In 2005, the company invested in the future and created a dedicated team of executives to develop a new production unit that specializes in a wide range of categories. The company offers affordable livestock units, conventional buildings, warehouses, milking parlors, traps, feeding belts, grinders, silos, cheese dairies and cooling tanks. The company works with several high-quality livestock breeds, including Lacaune Sheep, ASSAF, and Friesland to provide the best possible milk products. The company also uses TYROBOX®, an advanced system that helps ensure the quality and safety of its products: It's the ability to install a ready-made BOX (container) type cheese dairy, ready for operation, with modern machinery and the ability to produce 1500lt of milk per day. The verticalization of production is an economic solution offered by the construction of a small cheese dairy in a container-type space. The simplification of the cheese making process gives the opportunity to the owner to become independent and autonomous in terms of the disposal of the finished goods and bypasses suppliers or intermediaries. Finally, the majority of producers have the option of installing, at a more affordable cost, a small and flexible unit, provided by the Community directives instead of constructing a building.


Installation of Livestock Unit

Domain icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec


17 Kilometer Old National Road Thessaloniki K

570 18 Kilkis - Grčija


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    Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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Dejavnosti podjetja BELGOMILK IA SA

  • Kmetijstvo - stroji in oprema
  • Sir - sirarski stroji
  • Molžnja - stroji in naprave
  • Mlekarne in sirarne - stroji in oprema
  • Mlečni izdelki
  • cheese making and maturing
  • cheese factories
  • cheeses and dairy products
  • processed cheese
  • automatic milking machines