COAXWORKS GMBH - Innovations for Laser Wire Deposition


Factory icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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COAXWORKS GMBH, je podjetje tipa Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec, ustanovljeno leta 2018, ki deluje v panogi Laser - stroji za varjenje in rezanje. Sedež podjetja je v kraju Dresden, Nemčija.

Zadnje novice o podjetju

coaxworks - Now on Europages

coaxworks - Now on Europages

coaxworks - Now on Europages ・ 22. jan. 2021

About coaxworks GmbH The company coaxworks is your expert for systems technology and services for direction-independent, wire-based laser metal deposition and laser cladding. We provide both, standard and customized coaxial multi-beam laser heads with centric wire supply. As a retrofit for your laser cell, as an upgrade for your welding robot or as mounting kit for your serial machines – there are numerous options. You are also looking for solutions for wire feeding, process monitoring or inert gas atmosphere for high-quality operations? As a Fraunhofer IWS spin-off we keep up with the latest developments in handling a multitude of wire materials. To keep you going, we offer feasibility studies, installation service and training with our products. Let’s bring your production to the next level. coaxworks - UPGRADE YOUR WELDING


3D metal printing | coaxworks

Domain icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec


Winterbergstr. 28

01277 Dresden - Nemčija


Podatki o podjetju

Ključne številke

  • Številu zaposlenih
    1 – 10
  • Komercialne
    1 – 10
  • % izvoznega prometa
    50 %


  • Leto ustanovitve
  • Vrsta podjetja
    Sedež podjetja – Matično podjetje
  • Glavna dejavnost
    Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

Poslovni podatki

Tržno območje

  • Check Circle Outline icon Mednarodno

Dejavnosti podjetja COAXWORKS GMBH

  • Laser - stroji za varjenje in rezanje