GRAVOTECH - Leader des solutions de marquage permanent


Factory icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec


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For over 70 years, Gravotech has been the global leader for laser, dot peen and scribing engraving and permanent marking solutions. Gravotech was born in 2008 from the merger of Gravograph, Technifor and Type 3, and unified under a single brand in 2020. We design, manufacture and distribute dedicated solutions (machines and software) for personalisation applications (jewellery, gifts...), signage (informative, directional, industrial), or traceability (automotive, medical, aeronautical...). The Gravotech group is present in over 50 countries with 15 subsidiaries, over 200 distributors and 3 production sites. As a world leader in permanent marking technologies, we use our expertise to develop and market high-performance, industrial equipment that meets the needs of our 60, 000 customers worldwide. We also develop software and consumables (engraving materials, substrates, accessories). We offer a wide range of products: - laser engravers and laser cutters - laser marking stations - integrated laser machines - mechanical engraving and cutting machines - dot peen marking station - dot peen and scribing machines - software solutions for machine control - engraving materials and consumables

Zadnje novice o podjetju

Choisir sa technologie de marquage dans l'industrie

Choisir sa technologie de marquage dans l'industrie

Zadnja realizacija ・ 24. apr. 2024 preberite več Open In New icon

Après avoir comparé les solutions de marquage direct de pièces disponibles sur le marché, vous devez choisir votre technologie de marquage permanent. Pour ce faire, prenez d'abord le temps de définir vos besoins et contraintes pour trouver la solution qui vous convient le mieux. Téléchargez notre livre blanc pour vous aider. Il existe une multitude de techniques de marquage direct de pièces, mais les plus durables restent la micro-percussion, le rayage et le laser. Ces techniques permanentes assurent une qualité de marquage répondant aux contraintes des milieux industriels lors du processus de traçabilité.


GRAVOTECH, leader de machines à graver et de découpe

Domain icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec


466 Rue Des Mercières

69140 Rillieux La Pape - Francija

Št. za DDV

Podatki o podjetju

Ključne številke

  • Številu zaposlenih
    > 500
  • % izvoznega prometa
    86 %


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    Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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Območja za dostavo

Dejavnosti podjetja GRAVOTECH

  • Označevanje - stroji
  • marking systems
  • laser marking
  • laser marking systems
  • machines for marking and micropoints
  • laser marker
  • laser cutter
  • laser table
  • laser station
  • Laser machine