
Factory icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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The Hydrogen and Informatics Institute of Applied Technologies, or HIAT gGmbH, was founded in August 2002. Together with small companies and the industry, we provide a scientific basis for the development and optimisation of innovative products in the areas of fuel cells and hydrogen technology. HIAT is not dependent on companies or industry and, in addition to selling its own products, carries out research, development and technology transfer in relation to current and future-oriented topics via research projects initiated by the public and as part of industrial contracts. The new centre was set up on the site of the Research and Technology Park in Schwerin. HIAT strives to further expand its position in the area of hydrogen and fuel cell technology. The development of core components for fuel cells and electrolysis cells in particular is experiencing high demand and enjoying a positive market position.


Domain icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec


Hagenower Strasse 73

19061 Schwerin - Nemčija

Št. za DDV

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    Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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Dejavnosti podjetja HIAT GGMBH

  • Strategija razvoja in raziskav
  • Elektroliza - obdelava površin
  • Gorivna celica
  • Ion-selective electrodes (ISE)
  • Electrolysers for hydrogen generation
  • Gas diffusion electrodes
  • Technical diaphragms
  • Hydrogen generators
  • PEM electrolysers
  • PEM electrolysis stack