JAPAN WC - Distributeur français de toilettes japonaises design


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JAPAN WC, je podjetje tipa Distributer, ustanovljeno leta 2020, ki deluje v panogi Straniščni sedeži. Deluje tudi v panogah toilets for the disabled, automatic wc covers. Sedež podjetja je v kraju Paris, Francija.

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Modern toilet

Modern toilet

Japanese toilets ・ 14. sep. 2022 preberite več Open In New icon

The different ranges marketed by Japan WC offer quality products with a worked design. The elegant and refined rendering transforms your toilet into a decorative piece fully fledged. The goal ? Open the way to hygiene through water thanks to a jet with adjustable power and original and contemporary products. Easy to install, electric toilet seats transform any toilet into a Japanese toilet. Equipped with a washing, drying and deodorizing mode, Japanese toilets are handled intuitively using a remote control. Combining performance and ecology, they integrate with disconcerting ease into all interiors. The multiplicity of colors, ranging from the classic white WC to the most surprising black WC, makes it possible to satisfy all requests. The brand's best-seller? The “Fuji” black wall-hung toilet that brings a certain cachet.


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10 rue de penthièvre

75008 Paris - Francija

Št. za DDV

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Dejavnosti podjetja JAPAN WC

  • Straniščni sedeži
  • toilets for the disabled
  • automatic wc covers
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