KRASS + WISSING GMBH - the Specialists for Textile Bindings!


Factory icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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Since 1958, we have been quickly, competently and flexibly delivering bands, ribbons and bindings from our warehouse – in over 25 materials and more than 1000 colours. We can offer custom cuts using our customers' materials, and can even create items using materials specially created for our customers. Furthermore, we can offer logistical solutions and technical support for anything related to bands, ribbons and bindings. Cut bindings: The seam-free cotton hose has a warp-thread compression, at which the weft threads change direction during weaving. This thread compression can even be seen in the end product, an intensely coloured stripe running diagonally to the direction of the band. Custom-cut: With custom cutting, we cut our customers' materials and turn these, upon request, into folded ribbon, stitched ribbon and piping. Furthermore, we can finish, coat and print your ordered goods.

Domain icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec


Webereistrasse 1

48565 Steinfurt - Nemčija

Št. za DDV

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    Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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Območja za dostavo

Dejavnosti podjetja KRASS + WISSING GMBH

  • Trakovi in vrvi
  • ribbons made of artificial fibres
  • bands made of polyester
  • ribbons for the garment industry
  • ribbons, printed
  • ribbons, industrial
  • cotton tapes
  • binding tapes
  • adhesive tapes
  • faux leather binding tape