
Factory icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec


Ogled kataloga izdelkov


Noise Protection System (NPS) with extremely precise sound reading keeps the saw performance under strict surveillance and checks whether it ids operating optimally. The product continuously communicates with the machine control system and uses fast adaptive algorithms to detect even the smallest anomalies in the sawing process. Before the quality of your product is affected, stopping the work process quickly, or reducing the feed speed, protects your saw from damage and noticeably extends its life span.

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System is designed for 24/7 sound recording in urban settlements or spatially restricted areas. The measuring system can be easily installed on an external pole or on the wall.

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PLH88 system is designed for professional evaluation of hearing protection devices (earplugs, ear mufflers) and the determination of the hearing threshold of humans according to ISO 4869-1 and ISO 4869-2. The measuring system is a coordinated and precise operation of hardware and software that ensures accuracy and ease of use when measuring, storing data and generating reports. It is supported by an user-friendly interface that gives you a seamless and efficient procedure when testing all types of hearing protection devices.

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NEST Systems develops Innovative solutions in the field of acoustic signal processing and acoustic monitoring. Our products are developed for: - wood industry, where we offer autonomous and user-friendly products for diagnostics and control of band and circular saws, - environmental monitoring, where we offer both simple and advanced systems with 24/7 environmental monitoring, - work safety testing equipment and - security segment, where we offer systems for safe speech zone determination, where intelligible speech can no longer be understood. Research and development activity is the guiding principle of our company. We are dedicated to development of specialized technological products, which are the result of our own knowledge and many years of experience in providing optimized and tailored solutions for our customers. Continuous upgrade of our knowledge and use of latest technologies, provide a comprehensive professional approach to our clients’ problems. A comprehensive approach and out-of-the-box thinking are key preferences of our business model, giving the company technical superiority and higher added value. Our business model allows us to research, develop, evaluate and produce specialized products, tailored to the individual clients’ needs. The preparation of presentation for company NEST Systems at Europages was co-financed by EU funds (


Domain icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec


Jablanica 8

SI-8294 Bostanj - Slovenija

Št. za DDV

Podatki o podjetju

Ključne številke

  • Številu zaposlenih
    1 – 10
  • Komercialne
    1 – 10
  • % izvoznega prometa
    80 %


  • Leto ustanovitve
  • Vrsta podjetja
    Sedež podjetja – Matično podjetje
  • Glavna dejavnost
    Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

Poslovni podatki

Tržno območje

  • Check Circle Outline icon Mednarodno

Načini plačila

  • Kreditna kartica - Gotovina - Ček
  • Menica


  • NLB

Območja za dostavo

Dobavni pogoji (incoterms)

  • Kupec
  • Deljeno
  • Prodajalec

Dejavnosti podjetja NEST SYSTEMS, D. O. O.

  • Nadzor in naravnavanje - aparati in instrumenti
  • Žage - stroji in oprema
  • Okoljska kontrola
  • Orodni stroji za žaganje
Office Building Outline icon
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