YEED - Professional landscaping materials


Factory icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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A French brand specialising in the manufacture and distribution of adjustable pedestals and accessories dedicated to fitting out exterior spaces. We offer a range of quality products, certified, guaranteed and designed to adapt durably to all types of application. All materials are recycled and recyclable, part of our overall approach that emphasises care for the environment. The adaptability of our products makes it possible for our clients to deliver an extremely wide range of projects, whether they are architects, private builders, public sector authorities or private individuals. Pedestals and accessories from RINNO are the perfect solution for delivering your specific project: swimming pools and spas, urban pedestrian zones, shopping malls, private homes, trade shows, festivals, raised structures, holiday clubs, and much more. We warrant that we will supply you with high quality products and services thanks to our network of partners that distribute our products.

Zadnje novice o podjetju

Nouvelle gamme de plots réglables YEED

Nouvelle gamme de plots réglables YEED

Lansiranje izdelka ・ 8. jan. 2024 preberite več Open In New icon

Imaginez un plot unique, qui réunit toutes les fonctionnalités en un seul élément. Plus besoin d'accessoires supplémentaires pour atteindre le résultat souhaité ; ils sont désormais directement intégrés sur le plot. Notre nouvelle gamme de plots de terrasse est conçue pour donner vie à vos projets d'aménagement extérieur. Ne cherchez plus ailleurs, les produits UNIKA sont LA solution qui répondront à tous vos besoins : • Fabrication Française • Une solution tout-en-un • Optimisation du stockage • Toutes les tailles à portée de main avec 2 plots


Domain icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec


332 rue de Bruxelles

Bâtiment b - 1 er étage

59850 Nieppe - Francija

Št. za DDV

Podatki o podjetju


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    Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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  • Check Circle Outline icon Mednarodno

Območja za dostavo

Dejavnosti podjetja YEED

  • Podi, dvignjeni
  • Wood decking
  • Wooden fittings
  • Exterior fittings
  • Outdoor terrace
  • Water-proofing product for terraces
  • Terrace foundations
  • technical accessories
  • Pedestals for terraces
  • Slab on pedestal