SAS MERCURYA TRADING - Bien faire et le faire savoir


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We are suppliers of: oilseeds, sunflower, rapeseed, soy, corn, canola oil. European produced dairy products, powders, UHT and pulses from farming cooperatives. We are the brand owners of: African Queen. Europa Milk, Sunflower Queen oil, Stella Rosa Palma d'Oro. Mercurya France, is an agrifood business based in Nice on the legendary UNESCO World Heritage Promenade des Anglais. We are not a multinational business, but a socially responsible firm that supports the development of the communities with which we work, primarily in Africa and the developing countries. We strive to forge long-lasting relations with our customers and suppliers alike by understanding their requirements and treating them all equitably and respectfully. We are not producers but order givers and thus have our own brands. We take special care when selecting the farmers with whom we draw up strict specifications. Mercurya France is dedicated to offering its customers quality service. As we are aware of the speed and flexibility demands of international trade, we strive to satisfy our customers' requirements. We have built our slogan "Bien faire et le faire savoir" primarily thanks to our great field experience.


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455 Promenade Des Anglais

06200 Nice - Francija

Št. za DDV

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Območja za dostavo

Dejavnosti podjetja SAS MERCURYA TRADING

  • Uvoz - izvoz - poljski pridelki
  • Organics - prehrana
  • Nabavne centrale
  • Avtomati za hrano
  • Zdrob
  • Stročnice
  • Mlečni izdelki
  • Prehrambene specialitete
  • online food wholesaler
  • foodstuffs - import/export