JASC CONTRACTING - Data centers, renewable energies, telecommunications, power plants, oil and gas


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JASC Contracting GmbH specialises in the supply of power conversion solutions for a wide range of industries, including renewable energies, telecommunications, power plants, oil and gas. We provide reliable and sustainable solutions to answer the needs for industrial supplies of direct (DC) and alternating (AC) current. Our dedicated team handles every aspect from design to installation, ensuring that you choose the solution that best aligns with your needs.Thanks to our renewable energy expertise, particularly in solar energy, our solutions support energy transition to more environmentally-friendly practices in the residential and commercial sectors. Our company is a world-renowned supplier of design-build services for data centres. Our data centres are custom designed to meet your business' exact requirements for computing and data storage.We offer a comprehensive range of solutions comprising high-end products from our global supply partners. These solutions can be supplied as turnkey products that have already been subject to acceptance testing. We can also customise products and components to meet your specific requirements. Our service cover all aspects, from initial planning to on-site commissioning, as well as a range of value-added services tailored to each customer.


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Poststrasse 20

6300 Zug - Švica

Št. za DDV

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Dejavnosti podjetja JASC CONTRACTING

  • Električne centrale
  • Sončna energija
  • Sončna energija - instalacije
  • Telekomunikacije in prenos podatkov - oprema in sistemi
  • Napetostni stabilizatorji
  • oil presses
  • lithium batteries
  • telecommunications services
  • photovoltaic solar energy