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Lambiotte & Cie S.A. is a leading global producer of chemical substances from the acetals family. Their physicochemical properties and low toxicity for humans and the environment makes these products highly sought-after alternatives for manufacturers seeking to formulate products that are innovative and safe, for professional users and the general public alike. Their versatility mean acetals can be used for a wide variety of finished products and applications, such as paint-strippers and all other types of industrial or domestic cleaning product; cosmetic and technical aerosols; plastics, composites and polyurethane foams; paints, inks and adhesives; pharmaceutical synthesis, veterinary and agrochemicals. Our distribution network exports 98% of our output to countries beyond Belgium, with 30% going to non-European countries (North America, South America, Middle East and Asia).

Zadnje novice o podjetju



Udeležba na dogodku ・ 1. feb. 2024 preberite več Open In New icon

Lambiotte & Cie S.A., leader mondial dans la production d’acétals, propose des alternatives sûres pour diverses industries grâce aux propriétés uniques et au faible risque toxicologique de ses produits, tels que des solvants ou des additifs pour améliorer les performances des peintures, vernis, encres et adhésifs en phases aqueuses, solvantées ou UV : agents mouillants et nivelants, agents siccatifs, promoteurs d’adhésion sur certains plastiques et caoutchoucs, agents coalescents et plastifiants. Nous vous donnons rendez-vous sur le stand C10 afin de discuter ensemble des avantages que les acétals peuvent apporter à vos formulations...


Domain icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec


Avenue Des Aubépines, 18

1180 Bruxelles - Belgija

Št. za DDV

Podatki o podjetju

Ključne številke

  • Številu zaposlenih
    11 – 50


  • Vrsta podjetja
    Sedež podjetja – Matično podjetje
  • Glavna dejavnost
    Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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  • Check Circle Outline icon Mednarodno

Območja za dostavo

Dejavnosti podjetja LAMBIOTTE & CIE

  • Kemija, organska - surovine in derivati
  • Topila in razredčila
  • Sredstva za zaščito rastlin
  • Sredstva za čiščenje in vzdrževanje, za industrijo
  • Uvoz - izvoz - kemični in farmacevtski izdelki
  • Kemični izdelki - uvoz-izvoz
  • Dodatki za proizvodnjo umetnih mas
  • Kemija - osnovne surovine in derivati
  • ecological paint removers
  • solvents for rubber