AL BARA SAVON D'ALEP - Savons d'Alep 100% naturels et artisanaux


Factory icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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As manufacturers of Aleppo soap, we are proud to perpetuate a millennial tradition by offering you genuine Aleppo soap, which has a wealth of benefits for your skin. As a trusted supplier, we undertake to provide you with products of exceptional quality, made using hand-crafted methods using natural ingredients. Our history goes back centuries in the magnificent city of Aleppo, Syria, which is the ancestral birthplace of Aleppo soap manufacturing. We are committed to preserving this tradition using the same techniques that have been handed down through the generations. Each bar of soap is produced with care, applying traditional methods, to offer you an authentic, pure and beneficial product. By choosing Al Bara Savon d'Alep, you are opting for hand-crafted excellence and the preservation of an ancestral tradition. We make it a point of honour to offer you products whose quality is second to none, that care for your skin and the environment. We also undertake to promote fair trading by working directly with local trades people and ensuring that high ethical standards are applied at every stage of production. Discover our range of Aleppo soaps now and succumb to their gentle and effective care. Treat yourself to a genuine moment of well-being with Al Bara Savon d'Alep, your trusted supplier.


Les étapes de fabrication - épisode 1 l AL BARA

Domain icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec



27600 Gaillon - Francija

Št. za DDV

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    Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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Dejavnosti podjetja AL BARA SAVON D'ALEP

  • Mila, toaletna
  • Kozmetika
  • Liquid Aleppo soaps
  • 100% natural Aleppo soap
  • Aleppo soap manufacturing
  • aleppo soap
  • Manufacture and distribution of Aleppo soaps
  • Aleppo soap bars
  • Solid Aleppo shampoo
  • Import-export of Aleppo soaps