BENFIDA - L'expert en vitamines et minéraux nutritionnels


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welcome to Benfida, the epicentre of well-being and vitality where the very best of nature meets scientific innovation. As an online store specialising in food supplements, Benfida is aimed at those who aspire to live to the full using treasures nature has to offer. Our commitment to outstanding quality can be seen in our carefully made products, based on leading scientific research. At Benfida we are proud to present a range of products which is perfect for vegetarians and vegans, highlighting our commitment to healthy and energetic life choices. We believe in the power of nature to nourish and revitalise the body, and our food supplements are designed to support those who want to achieve their full potential well-being. At the heart of Benfida lies our company, dedicated to developing products made according to the highest quality standards. We draw our inspiration from knowledge, with books published by Camfida, our knowledge centre. It is this synergy between science and nature which defines our unique approach to provide unrivalled well-being solutions. Camfida is a knowledge centre whose aim is to disseminate information scientifically based on the holistic and integrative approach to health disorders and pathologies.


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Domain icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec


Ten Beukeboom 13

9400 Ninove - Belgija

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Dejavnosti podjetja BENFIDA

  • Dodatki k prehrani
  • natural food supplements
  • caps
  • Omega-3
  • Health Functional Food
  • Health communication
  • vegetarian food supplements
  • Vegan food supplements
  • face powder
  • Healthy eating