CONNECT INNOV - Solutions de digitalisation sur les points de vente - Objets connectés


Factory icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec


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Français Oglejte si 13 izdelkov

CONNECT INNOV offers POS digitalisation solutions to help you improve waiting times and customer information: a comprehensive line-up of interactive display tools for sales outlets. To help as many organisations as possible make the shift to digital, CONNECT INNOV offers it range of innovative 100% custom digital solutions. We can also design your web and mobile apps. Our solutions include the Kid’s Table, a table that's tactile and interactive and has been specially designed to help kids to wait patiently, and spend their time intelligently, while their parents shop in peace. The Kid’s Table is a winner, and can be adapted to suit any environment. With its minimalist, fun and curvy design, kids can't resist a Kid’s Table! Its size and screen size are designed to suit the field of view of children aged 3 and up. Kid's Table is proudly Made in France! Connect Innov is a company that tries hard to be environmentally responsible by providing tactile solutions and creating interactive applications that help to dramatically reduce the amount of paper and ink used in the design of leaflets and advertising vouchers. This helps us reduce our carbon footprint and environmental impact. Our teams are standing by to advise you, and can tailor their services to match your budget, offering you solutions that are useful and cost-effective.

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Lansiranje izdelka ・ 23. avg. 2023 preberite več Open In New icon

Produit innovant, voire révolutionnaire, la Table Kid’s est la seule table de jeux numérique et tactile destinée à créer un espace enfants ludique et sécurisé dans les points de vente. Objectif : donner une occasion aux tout-petits de s’amuser tout en digitalisant sa boutique.


Comment faire attendre les enfants en point de vente ? Facile avec la Table Kid'

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Domain icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec


203 rue Michel Carré

95870 Bezons - Francija

Št. za DDV

Podatki o podjetju

Ključne številke

  • Številu zaposlenih
    1 – 10
  • Komercialne
    1 – 10
  • % izvoznega prometa
    20 %


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    Sedež podjetja – Matično podjetje
  • Glavna dejavnost
    Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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  • Check Circle Outline icon Mednarodno

Območja za dostavo

Dejavnosti podjetja CONNECT INNOV

  • Uppkopplade föremål
  • Tactile table for children
  • Tactile table for POS
  • Connected tactile table
  • Digital games table
  • Connected objects for kids
  • Tactile table
  • Tactile table for professionals
  • Table tactile for restaurants
  • Digital table for restaurants