Durdaslar - Fruit and Vegetables Wholesaler


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Durdaslar has been a prominent vegetable and fruit wholesaler in Kumluca/Antalya and the surrounding region since 1989. Founded by Durmuş Durdaş and his three sons, the family business has entered its third generation, carrying forward the family legacy. Durdaslar has grown significantly to become a leading institution in its region and one of the country's top. Our annual supply capacity exceeds 120, 000 tons of vegetables and fruits, and we strive for continuous improvement through institutionalization. In 2003, our packaging plant became a full-fledged company, serving Kumluca with a 3000-ton cold storage facility. We opened a commission in Elmali district in 2011 and expanded with multiple facilities in Antalya. We also have a branch in Bulgaria, providing cold storage for our customers. Our commitment is to deliver fresh vegetables and fruits to consumers during production, precisely as desired in quantity and timing. Our product range includes various tomato varieties (such as Regular, Pink, Plum, Oval, Seyit, Cocktail, Round, etc.), pepper varieties (California Pepper, Charleston, Hot Charleston, Pointed Green, Bell, Capia Red, Red Chili, Green Chili, Hungarian Pepper, Hungarian Charlie, Bianca, etc.), cucumber varieties (Regular, Silor, Spiky), zucchini, eggplants (Crystal and Regular Eggplant), watermelon, melon, pomegranates, oranges, mandarins, citrons, apricot, peach, strawberry, Please do not hesitate to contact us for more and discover our products!


Durdaslar Company Introduction

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Baglik Mahallesi Godene Caddesi No 185/A

07350 Kumluca/antalya - Turčija


Podatki o podjetju

Ključne številke

  • Številu zaposlenih
    101 – 200
  • Komercialne
    1 – 10


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    Sedež podjetja – Matično podjetje
  • Glavna dejavnost
    Prodaja na debelo

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Območja za dostavo

Dejavnosti podjetja Durdaslar

  • Sadje in zelenjava - uvoz-izvoz
  • Uvoz - izvoz - poljski pridelki
  • Agrumi
  • Grozdje
  • Sadje
  • fruit & vegetables
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Fruits import export
  • fresh vegetables
  • import/export, production and sale of fruit and vegetables