
Factory icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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Ogled kataloga izdelkov

Deutsch Oglejte si 3 izdelkov

On 17th September 1959, Günter Hermann Pohl entered his aerosol business under the company name Güpo in the commercial register. He produced cosmetics and technical sprays with, among other things, a filling and gas supply technology that he had developed. In 1975 the company gained "GmbH" status as a private limited company and in 1978, moved into a new building in Kehl-Sundheim. The focus here was on the production of water-based sprays, primarily of foaming materials for detecting leaks in systems pressurised using gas or air. The range is undergoing constant expansion with continuous development under the new management. In 1998, trading began with Abrasiva (raw materials for polishing and cleaning) as a new area of business. Initially, the focus was on polishing alumina (aluminium oxides, Al2O3). As these only meet a limited number of market polishing requirements, the range was soon expanded to include aluminium silicates, aluminium hydroxides and other abrasives, both synthetic and mineral.


Domain icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec


Siemensstrasse 13

77694 Kehl - Nemčija


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    Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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Dejavnosti podjetja GÜPO GMBH

  • Uvoz - izvoz - kemični in farmacevtski izdelki
  • Alumina
  • Tightness testing equipment
  • Leak detection sprays
  • Polishing alumina
  • Aluminium silicates
  • Ceramic materials
  • Polishing alumina
  • Modified aluminium oxides
  • Magnesium-aluminium silicate (thixotropic agent)