JACK MACK COFFEE - Fresh roasted coffee beans


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Jack is Alexander, a globetrotter who hovers between impulsive and calculating. Always loved really good coffee and his many trips to southern Europe have reinforced this feeling. Drinking coffee should be a moment where you feel life! He loves to drink a strong espresso at any moment of the day. Mack is a Portuguese roastery. Don't expect an industrial roast where some of the coffee beans are burned (think coffee beans with a gloss finish) and some of the coffee beans aren't roasted at all. Here, with 2 roasting kettles of 120 kg each, the coffee is patiently roasted to get the basis for an excellent coffee. Jack Mack Coffee is specially designed for your daily cup of coffee of any kind at work or at home. Our coffee beans are roasted in Portugal because we want to break new ground without compromise. Always committed to enjoying coffee. We want to bring the coffee of the 21st century to the market and we understand the rules of the coffee business. And strive to reinvent them again and again. Our whole beans are freshly roasted in small batches so you can enjoy freshness every time. One thing connects Jack to Mack; the love of a good coffee that can be a little stronger at an honest price. We take advantage of the transparent internet, the Dutch cleverness of Jack and Mack's calm roasting. We already said it: we want to expand the rules in the coffee business and bring a 'brave' coffee to the market. Please visite our website and contact us for more information !


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Agapiou Zakka 35

Leptos peyia gardens

8560 Peyia - Ciper

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Ključne številke

  • Številu zaposlenih
    1 – 10
  • Komercialne
    1 – 10
  • % izvoznega prometa
    95 %


  • Leto ustanovitve
  • Glavna dejavnost

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  • Check Circle Outline icon Mednarodno

Načini plačila

  • Kreditna kartica - Gotovina - Ček
  • Virman Swift
  • Plačilo ob dostavi

Območja za dostavo

Dobavni pogoji (incoterms)

  • Kupec
  • Deljeno
  • Prodajalec

Dejavnosti podjetja JACK MACK COFFEE

  • Kava in čaj
  • coffee
  • coffee beans
  • roast coffee beans
  • Ground roasted coffee
  • roasted coffee in beans
  • Blanding av kaffebönor
  • coffee for restaurants
  • coffee beverages
  • coffee production