JOSE-AMORALES - Manufacturer of bright and comfortable shoes made of EVA polymer


Factory icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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Jose Amorales is a Ukrainian shoe manufacturer. Our shoes are made using a special technology of foaming from modern materials EVA. The range of shoes is very diverse, it is also summer models - ballet flats, slippers, crocs, moccasins, overshoes, and winter shoes - ugg boots, snakes and boots with fur or fleece. The collection contains women's, men's and teenage shoes. Footwear from EVA differs in small weight, and also durability and elasticity. This material is elastic, resistant to deformation, but most importantly, it is non-toxic, has no unpleasant smell and even has an antimicrobial effect. Another advantage of shoes manufactured from EVA is low prices. All shoes are manufactured using the latest technology. Shoes produced by Jose Amorales have all the necessary documents certifying that our EVA shoes have impeccable quality. The products undergo double quality control. The footwear Jose Amorales from EVA is in great demand due to its unique properties. Summer models of shoes from EVA are bright, light, soft, easy to wash, comfortable to wear. Their soles are elastic, they spring very well, they allow walking on hot sand and on stones. These shoes are suitable not only for the beach, but also for outdoor recreation.

Zadnje novice o podjetju

Children's waterproof boots

Children's waterproof boots

Lansiranje izdelka ・ 14. feb. 2023 preberite več Open In New icon

Bright and comfortable children's boots Jose Amorles will not let the legs get wet and will keep them warm. The shoes are decorated with bright jibits, so children will like them very much. Own production, quality control, certified product! Glad to cooperate!



Domain icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec


5 Solnechnaya Street, office 903

65000 Odessa - Ukraijna


Podatki o podjetju

Ključne številke

  • Številu zaposlenih
    101 – 200


  • Glavna dejavnost
    Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

Poslovni podatki

Tržno območje

  • Check Circle Outline icon Državno

Načini plačila

  • Kreditna kartica - Gotovina - Ček
  • Mednarodno poštno nakazilo
  • Virman Swift
  • Plačilo ob dostavi
  • Paypal

Območja za dostavo

Dobavni pogoji (incoterms)

  • Kupec
  • Deljeno
  • Prodajalec

Dejavnosti podjetja JOSE-AMORALES

  • Obutev za plažo
  • Čevlji, moški
  • Čevlji, damski
  • Čevlji za šport in prosti čas
  • Cokle
  • Obutev
  • open shoes
  • thermoformed shoes
  • shoes for boys
  • shoe factory