LES FINANCIERS - Cabinet de recrutement du secteur bancaire


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Welcome to Les Financiers, your trusted partner specialised in the finance sector. We are here to help you find new employees, in the banking, insurance, , FinTech and data sectors. We aim to showcase the talent, experience and ethics of our candidates. We are proud to provide expert job profiles, highly specialised in their field, so as to satisfy your company's specific needs. We see diversity as a strength because this is what gives rise to innovative ideas and exceptional solutions. By encouraging people to express their differences, we believe in a dynamic environment where everyone can provide their added value. What makes us stand out is our tangible results which have a positive impact on the lives of staff. We do not just provide quality profiles; we are committed to providing a practical and positive experience for everyone involved. We firmly believe that successful recruitment contributes to everyone's professional and personal fulfilment. We are attached to authenticity. That's why we've implemented Leadership programmes aimed at inspiring those we work with to be loyal to themselves whilst also developing their skills and cultivating their potential.


Domain icon Ponudnik storitev


9 rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau

44000 Nantes - Francija

Št. za DDV

Podatki o podjetju

Ključne številke

  • Številu zaposlenih
    1 – 10


  • Leto ustanovitve
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    Sedež podjetja – Matično podjetje
  • Glavna dejavnost
    Ponudnik storitev

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Tržno območje

  • Check Circle Outline icon Mednarodno

Dejavnosti podjetja LES FINANCIERS

  • Urad za kadrovanje
  • Zavarovanje
  • Banke
  • Bančne storitve
  • Izbira osebja
  • Izbira kadrov
  • Svetovanje za podjetja
  • data
  • Banking sector recruitment firm
  • finance service