MI12 - Concepteur et fabricant de jeux électroniques et de réalité virtuelle pour centres de loisirs indoor


Factory icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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Who for? MI12 is aimed at anyone wishing to open a leisure centre or any operator wanting to boost their turnover. Do you have free space? Contact us! About us Designer and manufacturer of electronic games and virtual reality for indoor leisure centres. Which games? We provide virtual reality free roaming go-karting, laser game, virtual reality free roaming and interactive Mini-golf. With over 150 clients, numerous centres in Belgium, France, Netherlands, Spain, Senegal, Morocco, etc. have entrusted us with their projects. How is this possible? MI12 is the ONLY MANUFACTURER IN THE WORLD to provide virtual reality free roaming Go-Karting. Products are based on our own technology and our own laser equipment meaning we do not need jackets during laser games making them more fluid, faster and more hygienic. Furthermore, we can design a creative set to make you stand out from the competition. Stars Wars, Jurassic, monsters, forest, … Everything is possible. Why choose MI12? MI12 provides an all-inclusive service: we take care of everything from the design to opening your centre and welcoming your first clients. Thanks to our know-how, your room will undergo an unimaginable transformation. Our games are designed to provide you maximum profitability. Contact us for further information!


Free Roaming Karting VR - Karting Fury Race trailer

Domain icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec


Parc industriel des Hauts-Sarts

1ère avenue, 65

4040 Herstal - Belgija

Št. za DDV

Podatki o podjetju

Ključne številke

  • Številu zaposlenih
    1 – 10
  • Komercialne
    1 – 10
  • % izvoznega prometa
    85 %


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    Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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Območja za dostavo

Dejavnosti podjetja MI12

  • Material in oprema za zabaviščne parke
  • Igre in igrače
  • Ustvarjalne dejavnosti - Izdelki
  • electronic games
  • virtual reality
  • recreational facility construction
  • electrical and electronic components for go-karts
  • karts
  • virtual reality creator
  • leisure time