MOSAIC BEVERAGE LTD - Exquisite Wines from Around the Globe


Factory icon Agent/ Zastopnik


Ogled kataloga izdelkov

English Oglejte si 15 izdelkov

Mosaic Beverage Co. is a family-owned wine distributor committed to sourcing and exporting the finest red wines, white wines, and rosé wines from Argentina, Chile, New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa. With a dedication to quality and authenticity, we bring a mosaic of flavors and experiences to wine enthusiasts worldwide. At Mosaic Beverage Co., our mission is to connect wine lovers with exceptional wines that reflect the unique terroir and craftsmanship of each region we represent. We strive to foster long-lasting relationships with both our customers and our winery partners, built on trust, integrity, and a shared passion for excellence in wine-making. We envision a world where every glass of wine tells a story—a story of the land, the people, and the traditions behind each bottle. Through our curated selection of premium certified wines, we aim to inspire appreciation for the diversity and richness of the global wine landscape. We provide customers with selective wines, striving to establish reliable and profitable partnership all over the world based on unprecedented care of nature. To emphasize the exclusivity of their products and our proximity to nature, we’ve added a special symbol to each country label – its rare animal species. With our premium wines and our distinctive branding we aim to become the standout sign post for the segment. We assemble tastes, wines, talents and experience. Contact our team today to discover our wines!


Domain icon Agent/ Zastopnik


Polis Chrisohus

8820 Paphos - Ciper


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    Agent/ Zastopnik

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Območja za dostavo

Dobavni pogoji (incoterms)

  • Kupec
  • Deljeno
  • Prodajalec

Dejavnosti podjetja MOSAIC BEVERAGE LTD

  • Vina
  • Alkoholne in žgane pijače
  • Pijače - uvoz-izvoz
  • alcoholic beverages
  • wholesale of wine
  • wine exporter
  • Wines - Chile
  • Wines - Argentina
  • Wines - New Zealand
  • Wines - Australia