S.P.R. TRADEX - Trading at your service


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Nederlands Oglejte si 2 izdelkov

S.P.R. TRADEX is your gateway to exceptional trading solutions, harnessing our unparalleled expertise for your utmost advantage. With over a decade of immersion in import-export services, S.P.R. Tradex proudly champions esteemed artisanal brands, facilitating global trade while ensuring impeccable shipping and delivery support. Our inception stems from extensive involvement in global trade dynamics, coupled with an unwavering commitment to unparalleled customer service. We extend our wealth of experience to serve you, presenting a diverse array of products ranging from F&B and apparel to cutting-edge electronics and sophisticated equipment tailored for both catering and manufacturing sectors. Expect nothing short of excellence as we furnish your business with premium-grade products at competitive rates, meticulously overseeing every step of the production and delivery journey. Our ultimate aspiration lies in propelling select artisanal brands onto the global stage. More than just a team of professionals, we are united by a shared vision and values, dedicated to fostering transparent, sustainable business practices. Entrust us with your needs, and let us guide both clients and suppliers seamlessly from purchase to delivery, ensuring a mutually enriching partnership.


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saenredamstraat, 23A

2021 ZM Haarlem - Nizozemska

Št. za DDV

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  • Check Circle Outline icon Mednarodno

Dejavnosti podjetja S.P.R. TRADEX

  • Uvoz - izvoz - poljski pridelki
  • Mednarodna trgovina - svetovanje
  • Hrana - uvoz-izvoz
  • Elektronika - uvoz-izvoz
  • Oblačila - uvoz-izvoz
  • Modni dodatki
  • Obleke, ženske
  • Varutransporter
  • import/export service
  • Wholesale