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Liquors - Izdelovalec Proizvajalec - Slovenija



    Krucefix is a small family-owned distillery, based in Križe, Slovenia. Located at the foothills on the sunny side of Julian Alps where the mighty alps begin to lower towards the sea. Many of the ingredients used in the Krucefix range are hand picked from the surrounding mountains, pastures and foothills up to altitudes of 1500 metres and more. Despite its relatively small size, the Krucefix distillery punches well above its weight domestically.The whole Krucefix range are 100% natural products without any chemical preservatives, artificial colours or emulsifiers. The eaux de vie contain only quality alcohol fermented entirely from the plant or fruit used, which sets it apart from other eaux de vie distilleries. For the liqueurs, water from the Alps, natural sugar and a syrup extracted from the tree cone, fruit or plant. An incredibly high level of detail, care, attention and time is devoted to every bottle produced, with each labelled and sealed by hand with the date of manufacture. The fact that the Krucefix range are living, natural products necessarily results in slight changes in colour, taste and aroma. All the ingredients used in spirits and liqueurs are locally sourced.It is because of dedication to manually manufacture the highest quality products and the harvesting of ingredients far away from the hustle and bustle of the human, in an unspoiled wilderness. With all this reasons Krucefix provide primal spirits and liqueurs limited.

  2. MADAX D.O.O.


    Smo mlado podjetje, ki se ukvarja s predelavo sadežev kot so aronija in datelj. Razvili smo popolnoma drugačna žganja, likerje in marmelade, ki so posebnost same po sebi. Med prvimi na svetu smo s pomočjo destilacije na star tradicionalen način, brez umetnih barvil, emulgatorjev in kemičnih preservativov pridobili žganje in liker iz aronije, ter žganje in liker iz datlja. Žganje iz aronije je edinstven, unikaten, kakovosten izdelek iz samih jagod aronije in dodatkom vode. Poleg že omenjenega žganja ponujamo tudi žganje iz datlja, ki je prav tako med prvimi na svetu in popolnoma drugačen od ostalih ponujenih artiklov na trgu. Vsa žganja so 100% naravna brez dodatkov in emulgatorjev. Likerji so kot žganja prvovrstni dosežki v svojem smislu, saj je liker iz datlja prvi na svetu. Liker iz aronije in datlja je naraven narejen iz samega sadeža in ni namočen v druga žganja. Poleg alkoholnih smo proizvajalci tudi prvovrstnih in edinstvenih marmelad. Naredili smo marmelado iz aronije, ki ima odličen okus in je kljub trpkosti aronije odličnega okusa. Poleg tega smo razvili še marmelado iz aronije in datlja, ki ne vsebuje nobenega dodanega sladkorja. Prav posebna pa je prav tako marmelada iz datlja, ki je med prvimi na svetu v taki obliki, saj smo uporabili popolnoma drugačne recepture za pridobitev odličnega okusa. Kontakt. 00386 51 236 140


Rezultati za

Liquors - Izdelovalec Proizvajalec - Slovenija

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