VARLET MACHINES - Premier fabricant français de machines pour la transformation des poissons, viandes et volailles


Factory icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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Français Oglejte si 48 izdelkov English Oglejte si 2 izdelkov

Varlet Machines, a French company based in Boulogne-sur-Mer, specialises in the design, manufacture and sale of machines for processing fish, meat and poultry. All our machines are designed using robust components and are made in France at our in-house workshop. Our technicians will travel to deliver and install the machines at your facility. With over 80 years' experience we design innovative machines, with every component and material carefully selected to meet the specific needs of actors from the food industries: -shopkeepers, -producers, -manufacturers. Our teams fabricate over 200 machines every year at our workshop, with over 50% of them going for export. The company is present is over 30 countries worldwide and enjoys the backing of a wide network of trusted partners, distributors and agents. Varlet has developed to support the needs of its clients in all parts of the world. Varlet is France's leading manufacturer of machines for processing fish, meat and poultry.


V568 ST - Peleuse manuelle / Manual fish skinner

Domain icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec


12 14 rue Magenta

62200 Boulogne-Sur-Mer - Francija

Št. za DDV

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Ključne številke

  • Številu zaposlenih
    11 – 50


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    Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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Območja za dostavo

Dejavnosti podjetja VARLET MACHINES

  • Stroji za predelavo mesa
  • Ribe - stroji in naprave za pripravo
  • fish processing equipment
  • poultry processing equipment
  • food and agriculture industry machines
  • fish skinning machine
  • automatic boner
  • skinning and peeling machine
  • fish slicer
  • fish-slicing machine