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Construction quality - Slovenija



    Smo majhna ekipa, ki deluje na področju razvoja in proizvodnje CNC strojev za obdelavo različnih materialov. S poudarkom na natančnosti, in kvaliteti zagotavljamo vrhunske izdelke, ki izpolnjujejo potrebe naših cenjenih strank. V našem obratu izdelujemo stroje pod blagovno znamko XPATH CNC machines, ki slovijo po svoji zanesljivosti in prilagodljivost z tem pa dosegamo natančnost in tako zagotovimo, da vsak izdelek, ki ga ustvarimo, izpolnjuje najvišje standarde. Odlikuje nas tudi naša prilagodljivost. Kot majhna ekipa se lahko prilagodimo vašim edinstvenim zahtevam in vam ponudimo rešitve po meri. Ponosni smo na svojo zavezanost k odličnosti in zadovoljstvu strank. Od trenutka, ko se obrnete na nas s svojim projektom, bo naša predana ekipa tesno sodelovala z vami, da bi razumela vašo vizijo in cilje. Verjamemo v gradnjo trdnih odnosov s strankami in si prizadevamo preseči njihova pričakovanja v vseh vidikih naših storitev. Ko nas izberete za svoje potrebe po izdelavi CNC stroja, lahko zaupate, da boste deležni izjemne kakovosti, osebne pozornosti in pravočasne izdelave. Naš pristop majhne ekipe zagotavlja, da vsakemu projektu namenimo individualno skrb in pozornost, ki si ju zasluži.



    Smo podjetje Magnet Design d.o.o. pohištveni salon in arhitekturni biro, ki tesno sodelujez domačimi oblikovalci in arhitekti ter združuje ponudnike notranje opreme visokih oblikovalskih standardov, s pozornostjo do slovenskih materialov. Bivalni in delovni prostori so med najpomembnejšimi stvarmi v življenju zato pri projektiranju dobro poslušamo komu so namenjeni in kakšna naj bi bila njihova funkcija. Skupaj z naročnikom iščemo zasnovo prostora, ki se odziva na njegove potrebe - ne glede na to ali gre za poslovni prostor, zasebno rezidenco, restavracijo, hotel ali enega izmed javnih objektov kot so vrtci, šole in zdravstvene ustanove. Svetloba, ergonomija, zvok, prijetnost dotika so elementi, ki jim sledimo. Pri načrtovanju interierja sodelujemo s slovenskimi in tujimi proizvajalci. Prednost dajemo naravnim in zdravju prijaznim materialom, tradicionalni obrti in izkušnjam mojstrov. S stalnim načrtovanjem novih uporabniških vrednosti pohištva spodbujamo oblikovanje in načrtovanje izdelkov, ki omogočajo ponovno uporabo in reciklažo izdelkov. Sodelujemo z domačimi oblikovalci, arhitekti in umetniki ter smo ambasadorji razvoja oblikovalske in tehnične odličnosti. Magnet design je prostor domačega proizvodnega znanja in slovenske kreative. Ponujamo Vam le stvari v katere verjamemo tudi sami.



    MEHANIZACIJA - VULKANIZACIJA KOREN (mechanization - vulcanization KOREN) is a successful business, which has been active in the market for 30 years. The company is located in Slovenia. Our product range covers all kinds of rubber products in the following combinations: - RUBBER-METAL, - RUBBER-PVC, and - RUBBER The material we use, is of European origin: NR, SBR, NBR, EPDM, CR, VMQ… We produce: - Vibration damper, - Silent blocks, - Silent bushes, - Engine carriers, - Rubber Mats, - Impact buffers, - Spare parts for classic cars and for the remaining needs of this industry, - Unique pieces, Prototypes, We work for the needs of: freight, passenger transport, construction, agriculture, classic cars, electronics, shipbuilding and mechanical engineering. The company offers our customers high quality products that are the result of years of experience and existing technology. According to your samples, drawings and plans, the products can be customized in good quality, cheap and fast. It would be a great pleasure for us to contribute to the ongoing success of your business. If you are interested in cooperation, please contact us:



    We have more than 10 years of experience and hundreds of satisfied customers. We are engaged in the manufacture of drywall systems, painting and other finishing construction work. At work, we act seriously, accurately and competitively. If you want top-notch service performance and maximum satisfaction with the final results of your work, opt for HEMT. Therefore, leave the work to experienced professionals who will take care of the quality work done. DRYWALL SYSTEMS Execution of dry-assembly works can be very demanding for an individual, if he is not familiar with this work. Therefore, leave the work to experienced professionals who will take care of the quality work done. PAINTING If you have realised that you don’t have the time or the skills required to paint your home, it is best you get professional assistance. We are here for you! OTHER FINISHING CONSTRUCTION WORKS Our advantage is a team of experienced experts from various fields. This allows us to implement projects in a quality and cost-competitive way. We perform the work within the agreed deadlines and with quality, so we stand firmly behind all the work performed and offer our customers a multi-year warranty on all services performed.



    Demteks is a family-owned manufacturing company, specialized in production of Arnit Laid Scrims. More than 20 years of experience, knowledge and our constant tendency for perfection, made our laid scrims well known for its quality and reliability. The Arnit laid scrims are a textile flat creation where the threads are bound at intersections by the binding material. For this reason, the laid scrims are thin and, in relation to the flat side, stable and firm. The special advantages of our laid scrims are: ​ - a great possibility for choosing textile material and possibility of various thread settings, - various kinds of binding material, - securing of the necessary or required chemical-physical characteristic features Arnit is used in particular as a reinforcement or stabilizer in various industrial productions: - Manufacturing of reinforced multi-layer products made of paper in various combinations ​- Manufacturing of foils ​- Manufacturing of various felts and fleeces ​- Plastic processing ​- Construction industry For more info please visit our website or contact us.