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Alcohols - Slovenija



    Krucefix is a small family-owned distillery, based in Križe, Slovenia. Located at the foothills on the sunny side of Julian Alps where the mighty alps begin to lower towards the sea. Many of the ingredients used in the Krucefix range are hand picked from the surrounding mountains, pastures and foothills up to altitudes of 1500 metres and more. Despite its relatively small size, the Krucefix distillery punches well above its weight domestically.The whole Krucefix range are 100% natural products without any chemical preservatives, artificial colours or emulsifiers. The eaux de vie contain only quality alcohol fermented entirely from the plant or fruit used, which sets it apart from other eaux de vie distilleries. For the liqueurs, water from the Alps, natural sugar and a syrup extracted from the tree cone, fruit or plant. An incredibly high level of detail, care, attention and time is devoted to every bottle produced, with each labelled and sealed by hand with the date of manufacture. The fact that the Krucefix range are living, natural products necessarily results in slight changes in colour, taste and aroma. All the ingredients used in spirits and liqueurs are locally sourced.It is because of dedication to manually manufacture the highest quality products and the harvesting of ingredients far away from the hustle and bustle of the human, in an unspoiled wilderness. With all this reasons Krucefix provide primal spirits and liqueurs limited.



    Želimo postati eden najuspešnejših ter najbolj zaupanja vrednih in spoštovanih distributerjev na slovenskem ozemlju. Zaradi našega inovativnega pristopa k delu in konstantni potrebi po izboljšavi smo opazili izrazite spremembe na slovenskem trgu. Trg, na katerem si distributer in barman izmenjujeta informacije, znanje in izkušnje ter s tem pripomoreta k vzajemni izboljšavi. Spoznavamo vse bolj vedoželjne stranke, ki so na podlagi raznih informacij in pripovedi čedalje bolj odprte za preizkušanje izdelkov višjega kakovostnega razreda ter in s tem pripravljene doživeti nepozabna čustva.Our ambition is to become one of the most successful, most trusted and respected distributors in Slovenian territory. Due to our innovative approach to work and the constant need for improvement, we saw marked changes on the Slovenian territory. The market where the distributor and barman exchange information, knowledge and experience, and they contribute to a two-way improvement. We are seeing more and more curious customers who are increasingly open to test products of a higher quality class, and ready to experience unforgettable emotions.Content preparation for online promotion is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.

    Vsi izdelki za "alcohols"


    Company Globus & Histria are specialised in wholesale and retail of products of high quality and from distinguished brands. Our mission is to always provide timely and high-quality services of delivery of selected products. As a business partner, we strengthen long-term business relationships that are based on trust, reliability and efficiency. In addition to a diverse assortment of products of different brands, our competitive advantage also lies in affordable pricing, which does not affect the quality of our services.Our offer includes personal hygiene products, cleaning products, biscuits, pasta and drinks. We offer a wide selection of quality brands. The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.

    Vsi izdelki za "alcohols"


    Nektar Natura gostincem, hotelirjem in ostalim ponudnikom gostinskih storitev nudi celostne rešitve točenja pijač. Razvoj pijač in naprav za točenje pod eno streho nam omogočata ponudbo vrhunskih sveže pripravljenih pijač, ki jih za svoje goste natočite iz aparatov tako za hladne kot tople, po novem pa tudi (delno) zmrznjene napitke. V mednarodni ekipi vsakodnevno odgovarjamo na potrebe trga in ustvarjamo personalizirane rešitve, ukrojene po meri posla naših strank. Kot partnerji predstavnikov HoReCa sektorja obljubljamo celostnost rešitev od samega svetovanja pri umestitvi točilnih naprav v vaš prostor in instalacije ter izobraževanja zaposlenih oz. odgovornih za naprave, do rednega vzdrževanja, stalne pripravljenosti na dostavo in servis ter nenehnega razvoja pijač in sistemov za točenje. Naši napitki se ponašajo z brezkompromisno odličnostjo, ki jo dosegamo s skrbno izbiro visoko kakovostnih surovin preverjenih dobaviteljev ter stalnimi izboljšavami proizvodnega procesa. Z našimi rešitvami točenja pijač lahko svojim gostom ponudite: sadne in zelenjavne negazirane, gazirane pijače, napitke za športnike, ledene napitke in čaje. Pri vsaki rešitvi za točenje hladnih pijač dodamo še iztok za prečiščeno negazirano ali gazirano vodo iz vašega vodovodnega omrežja. Poleg napitkov vam zagotovimo tudi uporabo profesionalnih mešalnih in točilnih naprav, ki jih sočasno s pijačami razvijamo in prilagajamo v našem tehničnem oddelku.